A Russian mercenary from Wagner PMC in the Central African Republic (CAR). Autumn 2022, CAR. Source: Charter97.org
A Russian mercenary from Wagner PMC in the Central African Republic (CAR). Autumn 2022, CAR. Source: Charter97.org

Mercenary Hair as Witchcraft Capitol in the Central African Republic

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A recent report by Corbeau News Centrafrique, an independent Central African Republic (CAR) media outlet, has alluded to an increase in organ and bone trafficking incidents in the country's western prefectures of Sanga-Mbaere and Mambere-Kadei. In addition to the cases of organ and bone trafficking, the outlet has noted a renewed interest in the Russian mercenaries deployed in the nation; particularly, an interest in the mercenaries' hair. This development provides valuable insights into the nation's shifting dynamics as a result of the Russian personnel's entry into the CAR's social fabric.

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